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Tutorial - Off-Page Support

SEO Marketing

Acquire Off-Page SEO:

If your website's on-page SEO is not enough to get you where you want to be on the search engine, consider acquiring Off-Page SEO services. There are some simple ways to determine which SEO vendors are likely more reliable than others. Firstly, use the Google PageSpeed Insights tool to see if their own website is optimized. Secondly, determine how long the vendor has been established; a common way is to check their WHOIS domain year of registration. Additionally, Google search their main keyphrase (ex. "New York City SEO") to check if they show up organically on the first or second page of search results.
PageSpeed Scoring for your visitors

Interpreting the Scoring for Websites

91 Performance
97 Accessibility
91 Best Practices
92 SEO
Best Practices
Quality Score:
90 - 100
50 - 89
0 - 49
*Source: PageSpeed Insights

*Above is an example of an adequate scoring for Google PageSpeed Insights.

Google recommends achieving a score of 90 or higher.

To verify that your vendor is legitimate, your vendor's own website should be scoring 90 or higher.

Check the score of their website using Google's PageSpeed Insights ›
SEO Vendors

How to choose the right SEO vendors?

The following should be factors in evaluating potential SEO vendors:
  • Ability to rank high on Google for own keywords (ex. SEO)
  • PageSpeed Insights: 90+ Scores for own website
  • Experience:
    • SEO
    • Web Development & Programming
    • Established and Incorporated
    • At least a few years in business
  • Minimal Outsourcing
  • Affordable Cost


Still need support?

Hopefully, this tutorial will help improve your Organic SEO.

Here endeth the lesson.

Currently, we are not accepting new clients.

Update: Our Waitlist is Closed.

This tutorial was crafted with in the United States. Incorporated and established since 2007.